Reider Family


This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Reider family. They originated in the Black Forest area of Germany. Cities and villages included Schramberg, Sinzheim, Lauterbach and others. The family name in Germany varied according to who may have written it but always used the letter "t" rather than "d". Some variations were Reiter, Reitter, Reuter, Reutter and others. In America the use of Reider began to be the norm and was in exclusive use by the 1880s. The weak link in this lineage occurs at Joseph Reiter (1733 - 1810). The difficulty is in finding his birth record to prove he is the Joseph who is a son of Matthias. Although there is (as of yet) no definitive record, this is the most likely scenario and the one used until proven otherwise. The descent from Joseph and the ascent from Matthias is much more definitive. The birth and death dates listed below are for each male ancestor.


Christian Reiter and Anna Hermann                (ca 1525 - ca 1578)


Simon Reiter and Unknown spouse                  (ca 1565 - ca 1615)


Christian Reiter and Unknown Spouse             (ca 1590 - 1650)


Christoph Reiter and Margaretha Moosman     (1625 - 1675)


Joh. (Hans) Reiter and Gertrud Moosmann      (1653 - 1703)


Josef Reiter and Salome Allgaier                   (1682 - 1731)


Matthias Reiter and Gertrud Moosmann          (1706 - 1751)


Joseph Reiter and Johanna Storz                  (1733 - 1810)


Severin Reiter and Monika Zoller                 (1786 - 1849)


Severin Reiter and Josephine Klausner          (1826 - 1880)  (Also known as Severin Reider)


Jerome Henry Reider and Frederica Bühler   (1857 - 1918)   (Updated 20 August 2018)


John Jerome Reider and Irene Carroll          (1895 - 1938)


John Jerome Reider and Patricia Heath        (1924 - 1994)

Other Reider Families  -  These include Jerome Severin Reider and Joseph A. Reider who are also sons of Jerome Henry Reider. Severin's older brother John (Johannes) came to America prior to Severin and became a watchmaker and jeweler.



Last updated - 12 July 2018