Reuben Jenkins Sheppard & Elizabeth W. Dare Family


This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Reuben Sheppard family. Reuben Jenkins Sheppard (also known as Reuben Shepherd) was born in Hopewell, Cumberland County, New Jersey. His marriage to Elizabeth Dare united two families with deep roots in America.

Reuben Sheppard Family Group Sheet

Federal Census Records : 1830  1840  

Reuben is not found in the 1820 census. Earlier census records for New Jersey were destroyed. By the 1850 census Reuben and his wife were deceased.


Marriage Record - Marriage of Reuben and Elizabeth Dare


Poll Tax Records of 1811 - Reuben's name is on the last page. His first name is cut off.


Personal PropertyTax Records


Highland County Land Records


Reuben & Elizabeth in the Oliver Harris Diary



Last updated - 20 July 2018