Harry C Underwood & Mary Rider Family 1930s

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Burt as a toddler - 13.jpg Burt as a toddler - 14.jpg Burt in Soapbox Derby Car - 03.jpg Burt Underwood Scrapbook -088.jpg Burt, George and cousin Stewart.jpg
Burt as a toddler - 13.jpg Burt as a toddler - 14.jpg Burt in Soapbox Derby Car - 03.jpg Burt Underwood Scrapbook -088.jpg Burt, George and cousin Stewart.jpg
Burt's letter on ducks 1938.jpg Car loaded for camping.jpg Car with gas rationing card.jpg Christmas at Underwoods 1931.jpg George and Burt at Niagra Falls 1934.jpg
Burt's letter on ducks 1938.jpg Car loaded for camping.jpg Car with gas rationing card.jpg Christmas at Underwoods 1931.jpg George and Burt at Niagra Falls 1934.jpg
George Underwood in Soap Box Derby 1936.jpg Harry C. Underwood  1932.jpg Harry Charles Underwood 1933.jpg HC Underwood - 2.jpg HC Underwood 1933 27 years old.jpg
George Underwood in Soap Box Derby 1936.jpg Harry C. Underwood 1932.jpg Harry Charles Underwood 1933.jpg HC Underwood - 2.jpg HC Underwood 1933 27 years old.jpg
HC Underwood with sons H. Burt and George 1930.jpg HC Underwood with sons H. Burt and George.jpg HCU 1933.jpg HCU Home - 05.jpg HCU Home - 07.jpg
HC Underwood with sons H. Burt and George 1930.jpg HC Underwood with sons H. Burt and George.jpg HCU 1933.jpg HCU Home - 05.jpg HCU Home - 07.jpg
HCU Home - 08.jpg HCU in costume for Play.jpg HCU Office at Fairfx HS.jpg HCU with sons 1930.jpg Mary Edith Rider 1932.jpg
HCU Home - 08.jpg HCU in costume for Play.jpg HCU Office at Fairfx HS.jpg HCU with sons 1930.jpg Mary Edith Rider 1932.jpg