Winzer Family


This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Winzer family. They originated in Stetten, Lorrach, Germany. Three Winzer brothers, Emil, Engelbert and Egon (who became Joseph) came to America in 1856. They built lives for themselves in Binghamton, NY and Cleveland, Ohio.


Barthlin Winzer      1585 - 1640 (dates approximate)

Fritz Winzer          1610 - 1671

Jakob Winzer I      1637 - 1713

Franzikus Winzer   1672 - 1732

Jakob Winzer II    1711 - 1784

Meinrad Winzer     1748 - 1803

Rudolf Winzer       1790 - 1855

Joseph Winzer      1834 - 1894

Lillie Winzer         1867 - 1948 - Lillie married Albert Beckenbach in 1888 in Cleveland.

Other Winzer Families in America




Last updated - 27 May 2017