Samuel Woodmansee & Aulice Jeffrey Family


This page is devoted to all of the documents and records collected for the Samuel Woodmansee family. Samuel was born and raised in Monmouth County, NJ. He married Monmouth native Aulice (Alice) Jeffrey in 1776 and had a large family of 12 children. He emigrated to Highland County, OH in July 1818 drawn by the promise of abundant land that was not readily available in New Jersey. He purchased large acreage in the Virginia Military Survey including the land awarded Joseph Conway. His daughter Phoebe married Joseph's grandson, Dr. Charles Washington Conway. Samuel died in Highland County in April 1837. This was 13 months after the death of his wife. He left many descendants some of whom still reside in the area.


Samuel Woodmansee Family Group Sheet

Federal Census Records :   1820   1830    Census records for New Jersey were destroyed.

Samuel Woodmansee Bible Records

Samuel Woodmansee Will & Settlement Account

Samuel Woodmansee Grave Marker - He is buried in the Highland Cemetery in Highland County, Ohio.

Aulice Jeffrey Woodmansee Grave Marker - She is also buried in Highlnd Cemetery.




Last updated - 25 November 2013