William Shepherd Land Purchases


This page is devoted to all of the land records for the Will Shepherd family. All transactions are from Wabaunsee County.


1884 Will buys town lots - This must have occurred not long after he arrived in Wabaunsee County, Kansas

1885 Will Mortgage Record


1886 Will Buys Town Lots


1886 Will Quitclaims Lots to wife Emma


1886 Emma Sells Lots


1887 Will Promissary Note Extension


1890 Will and Emma Buy Land


1892 Will and John Gorman Lease - John is likely a brother of Will's wife Emma


1895 Will Purchases Wilmington Lots


1895 Will Mortgages Property


1896 Will Mortgages Lots in Wilmington


1896 Will and Claudia Sell Land


1896 Will Buys Lots in Wilmingon


1896 Will and Claudia Sell Lots in Wilmington


1897 Will Receives Quit Claimed Land


1898 Will Sells to Brother Charley


Updated on 16 February 2017

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